We work together with our customers to create a unique experience.

Medical tourism in Dominican Republic

Coordinate your medical procedures in the Dominican Republic.

Move to the Dominican Republic

Get help to establish permanent residency in the Dominican Republic,

Invest in the Dominican Republic

Acquire expert advice to open a company in the Dominican Republic.

Visit the Dominican Republic

See the most coveted destination in the entire Caribbean.

We work together with our customers to create a unique experience

What do we do?

We make all your projects easier by using the tools necessary for their success.

What are our beliefs?

We believe in forming lasting connections based on trust.

Why choose us?

Our greatest commitment is to your satisfaction. We will not stop until it is achieved.

Our commitment to high standards guarantees your satisfaction.







This is what our customers say


Explore our blog for more articles and ideas on the topics that interest you.
SODOCIPRE - List of Plastic Surgeons

Desde su fundación,  La Sociedad de Cirujia Plastica Reconstrictiva y Estetica (SODOCIPRE) agrupa un importante, capaz y selecto grupo de especialistas cirujanos plásticos, bajo el fiel cumplimiento de los estatutos y…

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Move to R. D. - Initial Guide

Mudarse a la República Dominicana es una aventura emocionante.  Para asegurarse que su  mudanza comience sin problemas, es importante que tenga un plan de acción…

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Dominican Residency

Es posible solicitar inmediatamente la residencia permanente sin antes haber obtenido la residencia temporal si usted cumple los requisitos establecidos para una de las siguientes cuatro categorías especiales…

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